September 22, 2013

How to block access of USB

How to block access of USB

block-usbUSB access is something that can affect your computer in a variety of ways. Whether you’re protecting your computer against viruses or malware, or you don’t want anybody to have the ability

September 21, 2013

How to Spy on Your “Buddy’s” Network through Wireshark

How to Spy on Your “Buddy’s” Network through Wireshark

Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit at your buddy’s house, plug into his network, and see exactly what he’s doing? What if it was as easy as that? What makes packet sniffers like Wireshark such potent tools is that a majority of local area networks (LANs) are based on the shared Ethernet notion.
In a shared Ethernet, you can think of all of the computers in a LAN as being plugged into the same wire, and all of the traffic that travels through it can be captured. Packet sniffers are more formally known as network analyzers and protocol analyzers. But what traffic are we talking about?
Everything. Granted encrypted data will be unreadable to you, you can still see it, and anything that is sent plain text (not encrypted) can be grabbed very easily. This includes passwords, logins, instant messaging conversations, emails, etc. Everything.

September 20, 2013

How to Access Shared Folders of Windows 7 and Stream Videos on Android over wifi

How to Access Shared Folders of Windows 7 and Stream Videos on Android over wifi

Want to play videos from your computer on your Android, without the hassle of copying them to your device’s internal storage? Share a folder over the network with Windows. You can copy files back and forth over Wi-Fi, too.

Sharing Folders on Windows 7

To share a folder and make it accessible from Android, you’ll need to share it with “Everyone.”
To do this, navigate to the folder you want to share, click the Share with menu, and select Specific people.

September 19, 2013

Earn Money With Your Android Or/And iPhone

Earn Money With Your Android or iPhone - TAPAB185912


September 18, 2013

How to: Backup up your Facebook and Twitter account

How to: Backup up your Facebook and Twitter account

Don’t Lose Your Tweets and Miss your Posts. Make Them Permanent


Facebook allows you to backup all your data without using any third-party apps.
To do this, click on the drop-down menu next to your name in the top-right corner.

September 17, 2013

How to : Use USB Drive as a Hardware key for computer

Howto : Use USB Drive as a Hardware key for computer

Windows has an inbuilt system utility called SysKey that can help you use a normal pen drive as an access device instead of a regular text based password. To do this
  • First step is to assign A: as your removable disk drive. This is because the utility was designed to work with floppy drives.

September 16, 2013

How to : Use Google Drive to Sync User Data in more than one PC

How to : Use Google Drive to Sync User Data in more than one PC

Google Drive is a great service no doubt, but simply installing the application, and synchronizing your files is just the first step. (The option for downloading and installing is available on the homepage of your online Google Drive at the bottom of the sidebar)
You can move your user data folders (Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos and Downloads) by right-clicking the folder and changing the destination path under ‘Location’ tab in the Properties menu.
  • Windows 7 users need to go to the Explorer panel to the left, Expend the collapsible Library folder, and right-click the “My Documents” or similar folder to get the properties menu.
  • Click on “Include a Folder”, Browse to Google Drive Sync Folder. Select “Set Save location”.

September 15, 2013

How to: Create & Share your very own QR code

How to: Create & Share your very own QR code

Recently, the QR Code system has become popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square grid on a white background.
QR codes can be used in Google’s Android operating system and iOS devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad), as

September 14, 2013

Create shortcut to modify registry files and add custom context menu

Create shortcut to modify registry files and add custom context menu

registry-shortcut-imageHave you ever wanted to create a shortcut which would speed up your registry editing skills ? or do you modify registry more frequently ? Here is a solution which will perform any task in less than 5 seconds. We will explain this tutorial by adding a custom option in windows Right Click Context Menu of a file. [Not Folder]

September 13, 2013

How To: Edit default location for installing Apps permanently

How To: Edit default location for installing Apps permanently

Fed up of changing the location of directory where your game or application should be installed? Then this solution is for you, as the size of hard drives increase, more people are using partitions to separate and store groups of files.
Windows uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/ or directory by using a Registry hack.
Run the Registry Editor (regedit)and go to

September 12, 2013

How to Export/Backup Windows Registry

How to Export/Backup Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level  operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform: the kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications all use the registry. The registry also provides a means to access counters for profiling system performance.
Its easy and fast, you can make a backup file for all of your registries stored in OS. You can also select a specific registry to backup if you want to.
Step 1 : Go to Start and enter ‘regedit’ in search bar or press Win+R to open RUN then type regedit and hit enter.

September 11, 2013

How to: Hide your data in a Audio Song

How to: Hide your data in a Audio Song


Due to the way different file types are read it is possible to have a single file that acts differently depending on how it is read. For example sounds & images are read from the header down whereas ZIP files are read from the footer up.
All sound files should work, but some are more unpredictable that others. Mp3s seem to be the most reliable so this tutorial will be using them in the examples (plus who doesn’t love mp3 songs). All the steps are same if you want to use an image(.jpg) instead of sound.

September 10, 2013

Howto: Create a File of whatever size you want in Windows

Howto: Create a File of whatever size you want in Windows

You can create a file of any size using nothing more than what’s supplied with Windows.
There comes a time in every developers life where they need a data file for testing purposes and there are none handy. Rather than searching around for a file that fits your needs, the easiest thing to do is simply to generate one. There are a number of reasons why you might want to generate a data file. For example, recently we needed to test the file upload functionality of a little application we were writing at work, using a whole range of files of different sizes (from <1mb to="" up="">100Mb).

September 9, 2013

How to: Create folder that no one can access not even you

How to: Create folder that no one can access not even you

credit :

These type of folders generally known as Private folders. To make Private folder which nobody can open, delete, see properties, rename we need to modify its permission for system. This can either done by going to its Properties > Security Tab or through Command Prompt, we will going to discuss later one.
  • First create a simple folder that you normally create.
  • For example- “softnuke”, in D drive so the Directory will look like “D:\softnuke”.
  • Open command prompt (Win+R ,type cmd) and then input the following command on the screen.

September 8, 2013

VLC Media player features you were ignoring until now

VLC Media player Xtra features

VLC-vlc_coverVLC is a free open source media player developed by VideoLAN. For quite some time now it has been the most popular media player across all platforms.

September 7, 2013

How to Encrypt Your Pen Drive

How to Encrypt Your Pen Drive

Encrytion on Various Platforms

Encrytion on Windows

There are a variety of Windows-based tools for creating an encrypted volume on a USB stick, but our favorite is the free, open-source FreeOTFE. FreeOTFE uses on-the-fly encryption, which means that data is automatically encrypted and decrypted without you needing to do anything other than enter a password or possess the right keyfile.
To get started, download and install FreeOTFE. Then open the application and select your USB click on the “New” icon. FreeOTFE will then walk you through the process of setting up your encrypted volume and help you choose an encryption algorithm or set other options.
Once FreeOTFE finishes, your USB stick will contain an encrypted volume where you can store sensative data to keep it safe from prying eyes.

September 6, 2013

How to Restrict Hard Drives in Windows 7 for User Accounts

How to Restrict Hard Drives in Windows 7 for User Accounts

You can restrict access to a hard drive in Windows 7 for other user accounts in the same computer. This is useful if you have files on a hard drive that you do not want anyone else to access. Only specified user or Administrator will be able to access these. You can also change other settings, such as only allowing a user to view a file and not change it.

Steps to Follow :

  • Log on to your computer with an account with Administrator rights. Click “Start,” type “user” (without quotes) in the automatically selected “Search programs and files” search box and click “User Accounts.” Click “Manage another account.”

September 5, 2013

How to Unblock Internet Filter

How to Unblock Internet Filter

These days, schools are so strapped for cash, they cant afford the Internet bandwidth for students to do useful and fun thing on school computers. Some schools expect students to actually do work during IT lessons, and some IT departments just don’t like YouTube. However, the days are over when they can lock down the system enough to stop determined students from using the Internet as they please.


These are websites which take a URL, and collect the content for you. The work because the filters only see you downloading data from an unblocked website (the de-filter); the connection to the banned site is from another external web server so it doesn’t pass through your schools filters.
These are some good de-filter websites:

September 4, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Gear - Here goes a smartest Watch

Watch Samsung’s UNPACKED 2013 Galaxy Gear And Galaxy Note 3 Event Live Right Here At 1PM ET

September 3, 2013

How to create a Password Protected Folder in Windows 7

How to create a Password Protected Folder in Windows 7


This tutorial will guide you through the steps required to create a locked folder in Windows 7 – without installing any additional 3rd party software.
While the steps below will guide you in creating a hidden and password protected folder, this method is not 100% secure. It will deter the average computer user enough, but an advanced

September 2, 2013

25 Windows Phone 8 tips must know

25 Windows Phone 8 tips must know

Thanks to Windows Phone 8’s strict design rules, all devices running Microsoft's latest phone software operate in virtually the same way. Unlike with Android, manufacturers don't have much

September 1, 2013

The Best video tutorial for self learning .NET and other stuff

Hello folks,

Ever wanted to learn .NET ,SQL and C#. The best youtube tutorial ever.

Enjoy the video by clicking  here.